Russell has been teaching drawing and painting for over 25 years at numerous institutions, including the Smithsonian, the Corcoran and the Washington Studio School. He has also lectured at the Thomas Cole Museum (NY).
Following his initial years of training, he then studied in Italy for a year. He also spent several years studying figure sculpture. The sheer versatility of his subjects, techniques and overall knowledge of classic concepts sets him apart from the mainstream.


Philosophy, Approach and Facilities:

Russell offers private lessons for teens and adults, as well as classes for small groups in drawing, painting and sculpture. Subjects include still life, landscape and the figure. His unique program is supplemented by his extensive research related to historical models and methods, including elementary ‘copy work’ - the forgotten prerequisite to 3D drawing. Regarding figure work, he encourages dimensional awareness by avoiding flatter ‘Industrial’ methods of drawing used by many schools today (such as the controversial ‘Bargue’ method). Instead Russell’s philosophy and approach are guided by fine art methods grounded in classic principles which favor creative interpretation vs. photographic replication typical of modern realism.
Russell can teach students a more painterly approach to drawing, in order to ease the transition from drawing to painting. He can help those struggling with proportion, values, layering, etc. Or help them take more accurate measurements, remedy a ‘heavy handed’ technique, learn an easier mode of practical perspective vs. technical (scientific) perspective, etc. Also students can discover the benefits of ‘cast drawing’ while learning the difference between a traditional vs. modern approach.
Elementary instruction begins with standard ‘flat work.’ Intermediate level students who’ve developed basic abilities concerning dexterity, measuring, gaging proportion, etc., are encouraged to work directly from reliefs and 3D models. Since Russell only uses artistic models for learning, photo-based copy work (and related critiques) are not permitted.
           Fees start at $40. (each) for a 2hr lesson - with no more than 2 people present. Groups of 3 or more (preferably working from the same model) will allow for a discount. Private studio training has always been superior to large classroom scenarios where students might only have a few minutes of ‘one-on-one’ time with a teacher.

  • All materials are provided for drawing lessons.

  • Optional instruction in painting & sculpture (via clay modeling) is available for those with basic proficiency in drawing.

Housed in historic, neo-classic architecture and aided by natural north light, Russell’s studio provides facilities that will hardly be found elsewhere. It is a virtual museum  that includes original 19th C., didactic prints  and a plaster cast collection comprised partly of vintage models of a more professional (vs. student-grade) quality, much of which he’s collected during his European travels.

At Russell’s studio, Art History and Art Education majors will also gain insight into changing styles and methods (more so than they would from a textbook or cursory history class).